
Revelation Ministries

Revelation Ministries is a healing ministry focused on the gospel of Jesus Christ. It emphasizes living a victorious life and embracing the authority we have through His Divine Nature. This ministry offers biblical teaching on faith, healing, spiritual freedom, and the abundant life in Christ, with signs, miracles, and wonders that follow.

“to whom God willed to make known what the wealth of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles is, the mystery that is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27


We thank God for all the miraculous wonders he has performed in the lives of these people and so many more! God is no respecter of persons, so if one of these following testimonies is an encouragement, take it for your own situation or that of a friend or loved one. There is no distance in the glory!

Jenifer found out from her chiropractor that her legs were 2 cm difference in length which was causing her pain. It was there that she decided to turn to God for a miracle. She lives in France, but through a video call, Jenifer was able to receive prayer from Pastor Cam who is based in New York. She tells the incredible story of how she saw the healing power of God in action in her own body. There is truly no distance in the glory!

Stephen and his wife had made a decision to obey God telling them to stay in New York and help at Revelation Church. Around this time, they were given the opportunity to buy the house they were currently renting. They made an offer for half what it was worth and it was accepted! They received this blessing in the height of the housing market and in a highly coveted neighborhood. To God all the glory for this financial miracle. Nothing is impossible for Him!

In this testimony, Pastor Cam shares his experience in praying for a woman battling with stage 4 cancer. God revealed to him that she needed to forgive her husband and release him from the grip of her bitterness if she wanted to be free. After sharing this word, the woman gave Pastor Cam a piercing glare and left. 3 years later, to his complete surprise, she showed up at a prayer meeting at his house. She shared her story of how she been totally healed of cancer after she forgave her husband! Watch until the end of the clip to pray a prayer of forgiveness and remove any and all bitterness and unforgiveness from your life!

Tormented by thoughts of depression and suicide, Mia turned to her friends for help. After multiple recommendations to attend a Revelation Church Healing Night, Mia went a few times. She received prayer on the second night she attended on November 8th, 2020, and had an encounter with God that set her completely free from depression.

Gianna had suffered from epilepsy for 20 years and has an implant that detects electrical activity in her brain. After receiving prayer from Pastor Cam at a Healing Night, her Doctor reported no activity for over two weeks. We give God the glory and praise for completely freeing her from all seizures!

Batyah had been suffering with an ongoing female issues and after receiving a number of tests was diagnosed with 2 cysts and a mass in her ovary. After attending Revelation Church’s Healing Nights and receiving prayer, she received multiple confirmations that she had been healed. When she went for surgery, the doctors found nothing there!

Josh’s early childhood was filled with abuse and neglect, but even once his life took a turn for the better, the deep wounds remained as he carried them into his adulthood. Thoughts of depression and suicide tormented him day and night and he struggled to find relief. After years of sitting in church and looking to people and substances for freedom, he reached his breaking point . On January 27th, 2019 Josh received prayer and had an encounter with God that changed his entire life.

Revelation Church Elder Stephen McCarthy and his wife Cristina received a word for a new ministry as well as healing for Cristina’s body. The couple anticipated Cristina’s pregnancy, facing some opposition as they held on and finally received their promise.

Joseph Fuchs was diagnosed with Leukemia, or cancer of the blood, and had been advised by his Oncologist to begin chemotherapy treatment. But then Joseph received a healing touch from God. After battling for 2 years with negative health reports, he received the report the following week from his doctor that he was completely cancer- free. 

Through prayer and the healing power of God, Joanne’s uneven shoulders grew to the same length and were completely restored! Watch as Joanne’s arms which start as two different lengths become even in a matter of seconds! 

Donna had been diagnosed with both an Ovarian Cyst and a Cervical Polyp and was preparing for surgery to have them removed. After hearing about a Healing Night at Revelation Church, she received prayer where she felt the healing touch of God all over her body. Three weeks later, the doctor reported that these issues had vanished and they no longer needed to operate. We praise God for Donna’s miracle!

In 2007 at Healing Conferences at Cornerstone Church in Cheshire CT, Erin and her cousin LeeAnn were prayed for by Pastor Cam Colombo and both received miracle healings from scoliosis. Erin’s Father Ed kept records and xrays which show Erin’s incredible transformation. LeeAnn’s diagnosis went from needing surgery for a 38 degree curvature to a complete regression. Ed also was healed of back pain and uneven legs. We praise God for these miracles!


 There is no distance in the glory of God. If you or someone you know is in need of healing for specific needs, we invite you to stretch out your hands and receive these prayers by faith for complete healing by the power of Jesus Christ.



Cam Colombo is the founder, executive director and lead Pastor of Revelation Church in Long Island, New York. 

Originally from France, God called Pastor Cam to the United States in the early eighties, where he met his wife Nancy. At that time, he received the call for a ministry of healing, deliverance, prophecy, music and teaching.

Through Pastor Cam’s ministry, the Lord has confirmed His gospel with many signs and wonders. People have received miraculous healing and deliverance ranging from depression, terminal illness, psychological and emotional issues, to having bones and organs fully restored, as well as numerous financial miracles. Many receive salvation and are baptized in the Holy Spirit.

Pastor Cam preaches the gospel with a strong prophetic anointing for healing and deliverance each week to Revelation Church in order “to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the nations, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Col: 1:26-27)

Pastor Cam and his wife Nancy have been married since 1984 and have three children.

Ways to Give

Your tax deductible gifts to Revelation Church are always gratefully acknowledged. Thank you for your generous commitment to the work of Jesus Christ through his church. Because of your contributions, this ministry is able to further the work of the Kingdom.



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Make checks payable to Revelation Church

14 Bellemeade Avenue Smithtown, NY 11787

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(631) 979-7700


14 Bellemeade Ave., Smithtown NY 11787


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